Welcome to DailyWeather, we provide you with real-time weather updates, forecasts, and much more, wherever you are.
π¦οΈ Here's what DailyWeather offers:
Real-time Weather Details:
β’ Stay informed with real-time weather conditions from your locality and beyond.
β’ Provides more detailed weather information, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more.
Daily and Hourly Forecasts:
β’ Plan your day ahead with detailed hourly and daily forecasts that give you a clear picture of what to expect weather-wise.
Multi-City Support:
β’ Add or remove weather for the cities you want.
β’ Easily switch between multiple locations to check the weather conditions wherever you are.
Other Features:
β’ Real-time weather radar.
β’ Air quality report, activity index, allergy index, health index, UV Index, etc. provide data references to help you plan outdoor activities.
β’ The app interface changes according to the weather.
β’ Beautiful weather widget to view important information on the home screen.
β’ Support multiple languages.
Download DailyWeather now and get weather updates at your fingertips!